The Impacts Of Nuclear Testing On Human Health
The first nuclear test took place in New Mexico in 1945. Since then, the fallout has changed the environment around the globe. Here’s a quick look at everything you need to know about the effects of nuclear testing on human health.
Since 1945, countries around the world have been testing nuclear weapons by exploding them. This creates a giant fireball which forms a distinctive mushroom cloud above the explosion site. This cloud then releases radioactive debris that is spread by the wind. Eventually, these microscopic radioactive particles fall to the ground via rain.

Although nuclear tests are typically conducted in remote locations, the radioactive particles are scattered by the wind and can be spread over vast areas. Gases and smaller particles may travel all the way around the globe, whereas larger particles fall closer to the test site.

Depending on which way the wind blows after detonation, radioactive particles can land near human populations in large doses. This occurred, with tragic results, in 1954. One of many tests conducted by the United States in the Marshall Islands (pictured) in the central Pacific Ocean produced unintended heavy fallout over the local population due to changes in wind speed and direction. The fallout-related doses were the “highest in the history of worldwide nuclear testing.”

When nuclear testing first began, weapons were exploded above ground. This is called atmospheric testing. Following the Limited Test Ban Treaty of 1963, most (but not all) tests have been conducted underground to limit the spread of radiation. However, underground blasting can still vent radioactive material up into the atmosphere and contaminate the soil.

Due to changing weather patterns, fallout can be somewhat unpredictable and varied. While much of U.S. nuclear testing occurred in Nevada, fallout reached all areas of the country. Some regions, such as parts of Utah, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, and Montana, however, received more fallout than others.

Indigenous populations such as the Shoshone Nation of Indians have been most impacted by nuclear testing. The Nevada nuclear test site is located on Shoshone territory. When atmospheric testing began in 1951, many Native American communities lived downwind of the test site and were therefore exposed to higher levels of radiation.

When radioactive particles fall to the ground via rain in concentrated amounts, they contaminate crops and grasslands, notably those eaten by grazing animals such as cows. The cows then produce contaminated meat and milk that is consumed by people, especially children and youth who tend to drink more milk than adults.
Cancer is the main long-term risk from radiation exposure following nuclear detonation. Radiation has been associated with several types of cancer, primarily thyroid cancer and leukemia. In cases where large doses of radiation exposure have occurred through internal absorption, such as in the Marshall Islands, there is also significant risk of stomach and colon cancer.
The main type of disease caused by radiation exposure due to nuclear testing is thyroid cancer. The illness progresses slowly over time and is highly treatable, typically with good survival rates: 98% of patients survive for at least five years, and 92% survive for at least 20 years.
Depending on where a person grew up within the United States, they may have more radiation exposure and therefore be at greater risk of developing thyroid cancer. If you lived in the Mountain West, Midwest, East, or Northeast and were born between 1936 and 1963, you may have been exposed to more fallout from nuclear testing.
In 1966, the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty aimed to put a stop to nuclear weapon test explosions. However, eight major players have yet to ratify it and therefore bring it into force. In particular, India, Pakistan, and North Korea, which have not signed the treaty, have continued to conduct explosive nuclear weapon testing since then. Nuclear testing anywhere on Earth puts everyone at risk.


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